Le commerce du vin, enquête archéologique dans les profondeurs du Rhône au Musée d’art et d’histoire


The flagship exhibition of 2019, "César and the Rhône. Ancient masterpieces from Arles", deals among other things with international trade in Roman times. Among the goods that pass through the river port of Arles, particularly with a view to their transport to Geneva, is wine, which comes from around the Mediterranean.

Amphorae, pipettes, inscriptions, barge, brought to light by underwater excavations reveal the secrets of the ancient wine trade by revealing many ancestral crafts that the charismatic archaeologist David Djaoui revives through the presentation of his underwater excavations.

David Djaoui: Heritage Conservation Attaché, Departmental Museum of Ancient Arles. Associate researcher under agreement at the Center Camille Jullian, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS

Conference – meeting, at the museum auditorium (on registration)

Sunday April 7 at 2:30 p.m.

Duration: 45 minutes

Le commerce du vin, enquête archéologique dans les profondeurs du Rhône au Musée d’art et d’histoire


The flagship exhibition of 2019, "César and the Rhône. Ancient masterpieces from Arles", deals among other things with international trade in Roman times. Among the goods that pass through the river port of Arles, particularly with a view to their transport to Geneva, is wine, which comes from around the Mediterranean.

Amphorae, pipettes, inscriptions, barge, brought to light by underwater excavations reveal the secrets of the ancient wine trade by revealing many ancestral crafts that the charismatic archaeologist David Djaoui revives through the presentation of his underwater excavations.

David Djaoui: Heritage Conservation Attaché, Departmental Museum of Ancient Arles. Associate researcher under agreement at the Center Camille Jullian, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS

Conference – meeting, at the museum auditorium (on registration)

Sunday April 7 at 2:30 p.m.

Duration: 45 minutes


Le commerce du vin, enquête archéologique dans les profondeurs du Rhône au Musée d’art et d’histoire

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