Farbe: Material und Wirkung. Wahrnehmen und experimentieren

Applied arts professions

Colors are bold, sensual and memorable. They adorn, soothe, touch or confuse. Sometimes they overwhelm us and we get drunk on them. This collection of experiments and exercises invites beginners and professionals to explore the possibilities of using color in images. The dual nature of color plays an important role here: On the one hand, color is a painting material, a substance made of pigment and binding agent and is therefore watery, impasto or powdery. On the other hand, color is an immaterial phenomenon, has an effect and is bright, colourful, soft or muted. Your real power unfolds between these two poles. The material color is mixed and shaped in the picture – and can be perceived as such. As in their previous volumes, Tim Proetel and Peter Boerboom present their subject in a vivid way that can be intuitively experienced using many drawings and pictures.

  • Isbn 978-3-258-60167-0
  • Ean 9783258601670
  • Author Tim Proetel / Peter Boerboom
  • Editor Haupt Verlag
  • Language de_CH