Handbuch Garne: Geschichte, Herstellungstechniken und neue Trends

Textile crafts

Yarns are the basis of all textile work - regardless of whether it is weaving, sewing, dyeing or knitting. The twist, tear resistance, strength, elasticity, water, heat or shrinkage resistance of yarns have a decisive effect on the end result of any product. In her book, Penny Walsh provides an informative overview of the various yarns, whether they are made from natural fibers such as wool, silk, cotton, ramie or flax or from chemical fibers such as viscose, acrylic or aramid fibers. In addition to the history of yarns and the development of the various spinning processes - from the simple spindle to mechanical rotor spinning - current fashion trends in today’s yarn and fabric production are also shown. The author also provides practical instructions for making your own effective yarns with detailed descriptions and helpful step-by-step illustrations.

  • Isbn 978-3-258-07183-1
  • Ean 9783258071831
  • Author Penny Walsh
  • Editor Haupt Verlag
  • Language de_CH