Nadel und Faden: Das Handbuch der Stiche und Nadelarbeiten


With more than 50 needle art techniques and over 160 different stitches, Sarah Whittle explains the basics of embroidery, quilting and appliqué. The comprehensive manual facilitates access to the various techniques and enables the further development of basic knowledge of this extremely versatile manual work. The numerous illustrations of needle work give an impression of the unexpected creative possibilities. From the content: needle painting - white embroidery - pearl embroidery - Assisi embroidery - quilting - patchwork - appliqué - needle felting - shuttle work - knots - laying technique - basic stitches - row stitches - cross stitches - single stitches - straight stitches - loop stitches - chain stitches - breakthrough stitches - tapestry stitches The author also gives tips and recommendations for fabric and thread choice for each of the featured stitches.
  • Isbn 978-3-258-60072-7
  • Ean 9783258600727
  • Author Sarah Whittle
  • Editor Haupt Verlag
  • Language de_CH