Naturgeschenke: 100 Ideen zum Gestalten mit Kindern

Applied arts professions

You want to give something away? Then look in nature! She has lots of nice gifts ready! - For example plants: how about candied flower petals or a bright red geranium ink for writing? Or would you rather weave a placemat out of grass or form a rustic bear out of soft moss? - For example seeds: have you ever created colorful chains out of beans or transformed seed pods into fascinating lanterns? - For example woods: how about a unique picture frame made of branches and twigs? - For example earth: Have you already formed small figures or bowls out of clay? - For example stones: How about colorfully painted pebbles for an exciting board game or the transformation of a stone into a work of art? And the best thing is: Except for a few tools from the shop, you can find all natural gifts for free in the garden, by the lake, in the forest or in the field!
  • Isbn 978-3-258-60075-8
  • Ean 9783258600758
  • Author Helena Arendt
  • Editor Haupt Verlag
  • Language de_CH