For many years, no synthesis in French on the history of stained glass was available. In the country of the world richest in stained glass, this gap deserved to be filled. This new work of synthesis was essential. Since the creation in 1952 of the Corpus vitrearum, the work of two generations of researchers has indeed considerably advanced our knowledge, while an entirely new iconography, in color and still very largely unpublished, has been accumulated: it is time to pick the fruits of several decades of effort and to offer the essentials to the public of amateurs and scholars. This book proposes to cross the history of stained glass from the High Middle Ages, much better known today thanks to major archaeological discoveries throughout Europe and a better interpretation of the texts, until its most recent manifestations. , in the 21st century. The world of stained glass is approached from new perspectives, in the form of essays that allow us to review many received ideas. The reader is accompanied in this exploration of time by an exceptional iconography, showing the stained glass window in its architectural setting or in the privileged conditions of close observation.
- Isbn
- Ean 9782757703434
- Author Véronique David
- Editor Patrimoine CMN
- Language fr_CH