Zeichnen heißt sehen: Mit dem flächigen Sehen zum dreidimensionalen Zeichnen

paper crafts

«Drawing means seeing» opens the eyes to a new way of seeing: the graphic gaze. If the world is perceived as a flat drawing and thus as a framework of lines, drawing merely means transferring what is seen onto paper. Heike Kelter introduces the method of two-dimensional vision with many examples and exercises. The most important tool for learning this technique is the drawing visor included in the book, which can be used to train the flat gaze. Topics such as the composition of the drawing, seeing perspective, the importance of inner lines, hatching and focus are then discussed. This book is intended for beginners who are making their first attempts at drawing, but it can also offer advanced users many suggestions and make familiar things appear from a new perspective.

  • Isbn 978-3-258-60060-4
  • Ean 9783258600604
  • Author Heike Kelter
  • Editor Haupt Verlag
  • Language de_CH