Lausanne - Trades and training fair: the professional world at your fingertips

Expo Beaulieu Lausanne, from Tuesday 21 to Sunday 26 November 2017

At the Trades and Training Fair, young people faced with the choice of a profession find a concrete and practical view of the world of work. They can discover the different facets of professional life in a single show.

Among the 500 initial and professional training courses, as well as the various maturity and pre-apprenticeship opportunities that will be presented at the show, several can lead to artistic craftsmanship: Clothing designer (CFC), Painter (CFC), Carpenter /Carpenter (CFC), Cabinetmaker (CFC), Tinsmith / Tinsmith (CFC), Plasterer / Plasterer dry builder (CFC), Glazier / Glazier (CFC), Carpenter / Carpenter (CFC), Watchmaker practitioner / Watchmaker practitioner (CFC) , Jeweler (CFC), Interior seamstress (AFP), Interior decorator (CFC), Leather and textile craftsman (CFC), Quilter (CFC), Designer of fabric (CFC), Pre-learning orientation applied arts, Ceramist (CFC), Poêlier-fumiste/Poêlière-fumiste (CFC)

This event is primarily intended for 10th and 11th year pupils as well as secondary school pupils wishing to learn about the choice of a profession and the initial training offers. It is also aimed at those who are looking for a job, an apprenticeship or professional guidance.

Expo Beaulieu Lausanne, Av. des Bergières 10, 1004 Lausanne


06 November 2017

