Newsletter - Winegrowers’ Festival 2019
From the Reuge music box to the scarf by Luna Ribès, via the pendant by Markus Kunz, the necklace by Danielle Debraine Wannaz, the lamp by Grégory Hagin and Jacques Hertel or the bell by Stéphane Brügger, craftsmen from our regions have put all their know-how in magnificent objects that carry high and far the evocation of the Festival.
The Festival inspires, the Festival shines, the Festival gives birth to a range of objects produced in limited editions especially for the Fête des Vignerons 2019. Behind each of these objects, a craftsman or craftswoman from the region, heir to a culture and a strong heritage, which has taken the initiative to interpret the universe of the Fête des Vignerons in its own way and to decline it in its own artistic language. December 2018