© Ruedi Flück

Vevey - Adrien Moretti, from one setting to another

Fêtedesvignerons.ch, Lucas Vuilleumier, June 12, 2019

Head of the workshop for the 1999 Festival, and once again active in the upcoming Festival, Adrien Moretti is currently preparing, in his workshop in Vevey, the sets from the imagination of scenographer Hugo Gargiulo.

In the middle of the harvest hall, an origami boat or pike heads hanging from the ceiling of Midi XIII, his current workshop which looks like a church, Adrien Moretti, who works alone in this gigantic place if he calls on independent craftsmen from the region, he approaches his work with sovereign calm. "However, they came to pick me up quite late, last March, and my order book was already quite full." Never mind, the Winegrowers’ Festival will once again be a new opportunity for Adrien Moretti "to make the decor itself become a character, which should also move the action forward." All this with an essential datum that runs through his work: “onirism”.



12 June 2016

