Bern: Spinner and yarn designer Asita Krebs introduces the world of spindles

Thursday, September 15, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. / Qn’C, House of World Crafts, Postgasshalde 23, 3011 Bern

The art of hand spinning is being rediscovered today as a recreational hobby. As has been the case for thousands of years, contemporaries with fine motor skills spin fibers of all kinds into yarn in order to weave or knit fabrics. While it used to be mainly flax, hemp, sheep’s wool or cotton, today it’s often fibers from the modern world. Bamboo, soy or milk silk - they can all be processed into yarn with tension and twist. Incidentally, spinning is not just a “women’s thing”: on the island of Taquile in Peru’s Lake Titicaca, men spin the wool of their animals into yarn and use it to knit hats. Warm ears are only incidentally important, as the caps primarily tell women who are willing to marry who is still available...+


15 September 2016

