La Regione, Michele Lepori, March 4, 2019
“Everyone has practically closed”. It is with these words that Alberto Calvia, owner of L’Estro Armonico ’, speaks about what a niche market is. The store, opened in 2003, specializes in the repair, restoration and sale of wind instruments. After studying music at the Conservatory and graduating, he became a teacher. A passion for music that has endured but with a change of direction: as a master, he has become a craftsman. "There is no real training," he told us. I spent almost 10 years in a store, learning the trade of a repairman. From there, I decided to start my own business. It is clear that the activity that I carried out before helped me a lot, because the musical preparation that I brought had certain sensitivities and certain feelings. That doesn’t mean the plumber has to be used to snorkeling to do his job (laughs, ed)".
"There are still two of us, I can’t tell you exactly. I know that when I started there were more of us". If this profession is disappearing in Ticino, the same cannot be said in Italy where , in 2017, 1,312 companies produced and repaired musical instruments; this activity has a strong artisanal vocation, with 1,085 companies representing 82.7% of the total. More specifically, there are 197 companies repairing musical instruments. music (like Alberto), including 173 craftsmen active in the peninsula. A big difference, calculating that in Ticino these stores now count on the fingers of one hand. "My objective - concludes Calvia - is to go from before in the best way, for my satisfaction and for the people around me. At least until I retire."
This type of business, which is certainly not popular, still faces the fierce competition and price competitiveness that exists across borders. "Costs are a problem - emphasizes Alberto Calvia - because on the other side of the border the cost of living is different and many things cost less. Craftsmen are paid less than here. There are always eu and there will always be wage inequality making the market more competitive. There is competition, just think of those who go shopping in Italy (laughs, editor’s note). We must remain positive, even in these times difficult". March 2019