RTS 1ère, Manuela Salvi, Future anterior
Future Prior follows up on some of the projects handled this year. Manuela Salvi talks about the Swiss Crafts Awards, an important step to promote these craftsmen. She highlights the crowdfunding to finance the first prize for Relève Métiers d’art. The opportunity also to hear Françoise Bolli, art glassmaker and Bertille Laguet and Philippe Naegele, ironworkers in Chexbres.
Prize giving on Friday 1 February at 6.30 p.m. as part of artgenève at Palexpohttps://www.rts.ch/play/radio/futur-anterieur/audio/futur-anterieur-lassociation-suisse-des-metiers-dart-va-decerner-des-prix?id=10059700&station=a9e7621504c6959e35c3ecbe7f6bed0446cdf8da
18 December 2018