24 hours, Saturday November 11, 2017, text Rebecca Mosimann
It is in his father’s workshop, in L’Isle, that the Vaudois crafts made-to-measure wooden skis. At the Bessard, we respect above all the local raw material. The son, Lucas, 27, could have followed in the footsteps of his dad François by becoming a cheese maker. He thought about it for a long time – he still regularly gives him a hand – but he chose another future, a slightly crazy project that would also have secretly made his father dream in his youth: to imagine custom wooden skis , “this living matter with a particular energy”.
https://www.24heures.ch/vivre/societe/Lucas-Bessard-transforme-le-frene-en-plaisir-de-glisse/story/1067556311 November 2017