24 Hours, Erwan Le Bec, June 26, 2020
The ambitious regrouping of the art and mechanical collections of Sainte-Croix on a single site reveals its museum project, which is still short of 3 million. Vast project of the Balcony of the Jura, the grouping of the mechanical and historical collections of the region in a single modern museum passes these days to the serious things. The complete overhaul of one of the buildings of the former Paillard factories has just been put under investigation, communicates the institution, while the financing is progressing, but still remains far from the goal. It will remain, alongside the search for funds, to work on the unique concept and the identity of this future institution which could open its doors in 2022 and aims for 20,000 visitors per year.
https://www.24heures.ch/sainte-croix-veut-son-musee-vivant-des-arts-mecaniques-pour-2022-143042399039“We are talking about a sustainable project, not just windows. The aim is to recall what keeps an entire region alive, to show a living know-how, at a time when it is a candidate for Unesco and when training in mechanical arts is developing. It’s a message for the future." Robert Martin, committee chair
02 July 2020