Johanna Vogelsang trained as a craftsman in the conservation of built heritage in the painting sector. In the interview that follows, she describes what this improvement has changed in her work as a decorative painter.
I usually work on historical buildings, on objects requiring the application of historical techniques or on the wall decoration of modern constructions. My mandates are therefore always very interesting. In Ennetbaden, the restoration work on the large hall of the Hotel Schwanen is particularly varied. This project represents a great challenge, but it is also exciting and very instructive. Our task in this neo-baroque room is to update paintings, retouch and reconstruct ornaments and decorations. It is the reconstitution of the paintings that gives me the most satisfaction.
I work with my partner Sara Ambühl, who also did the advanced training, and with a catering company, as part of a joint venture. On this site, I am responsible for the direction and coordination of the work. However, each stage of the restoration is discussed with the various managers (the architect, the restorer and the representative of the Historic Monuments Department).
As I am independent, my function has not changed so much. On a construction site, I do the same kind of work as before, but the knowledge I have acquired has given me greater confidence and it has changed my working methods. The training taught me to have a global understanding of the projects and to be more attentive to certain aspects of my work, for example the collaboration with other craftsmen and the importance of keeping documentation of the work carried out.
I think so. First of all, I am more confident and better understand the needs of different stakeholders. For example, I am more attentive to the ethical principles of conservators of historical monuments. I find it a great challenge to have, for each project, to analyze the situation with the owners, the conservators of historic monuments and the other people concerned.
Yes, it has been very beneficial to me. I particularly appreciate the new contacts, the professional network and the friends that I was able to acquire thanks to him. It’s amazing to be able to talk to all these people for advice.
It was a plasterer with whom I worked on a construction site who told me about it: she had taken part in a pilot program of the training. Subsequently, I never lost sight of this possibility of perfecting myself. When I talked about it with Sara Ambühl, the idea became more concrete. What was decisive for us was the idea that professional development would help us expand our professional network. That’s what prompted us to start training together.
In my opinion, this development is very rewarding for any craftsman who is interested in historic buildings and the issues related to them. Still, I would rather recommend it to colleagues who already have some experience in this area. For my part, I had already completed my training as a house painter and worked as a freelancer. By combining this background with the in-depth knowledge that advanced training gave me, I was able to progress a lot. But it seems to me that for those new to the business, it might be difficult to understand all the ins and outs of the projects.
http://www.artisanenc.ch/2017/08/une-collaboration-passionnante-avec-les-propritaires-et-les-autres-professionnels/31 August 2017