David Bielander,"Demiurge" dans le cadre de l'exposition carte blanche du mudac, en 2017   © DR mudac

The Confederation awards a Swiss Grand Prix for design to David Bielander, goldsmith of trompe-l’œil

The jury has distinguished three eminent personalities who have left their mark on the cultural discourse of our country

The Swiss Grand Prize for Design awarded by the Federal Office of Culture (OFC) rewarded artist and jewelery designer David Bielander, comic strip artist and illustrator Thomas Ott and graphic designer and artistic director Jean Widmer. The winners will receive their prize at Art Basel on June 13.

David Bielander was born in 1968. After his apprenticeship in Basel and Schwäbisch Gmünd, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, under the direction of Professor Otto Künzli. Since then, he has followed his path where experimentation and the diversion of precious materials place him at the forefront of international jewelry creation. The Confederation rewards his atypical and critical approach which led him to produce works as strange as they were unexpected. David Bielander also won a Swiss Design Award in 2012. David Bielander lives and works in Munich. His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world.

At the mudac in Lausanne until April 30, 2017

On the occasion of the closing of his exhibition, David Bielander will give an exceptional guided tour on Sunday April 30 at 4 p.m. Save the date!




12 April 2017

