Chet Michel Currat, encadreur à Nyon   © Photo Michel Perret

A spring tryst with a lot of visitors: artistic work is a hit with the public / Un rendez-vous printanier apprécié: le bel ouvrage fait recette / Un appuntamento primaverile apprezzato: l’opera d’ingegno riscuote successo

ASMA press release on the European Days of Crafts 2017 in Switzerland, Thursday April 20, 2017

The European Days of Arts and Crafts (ETAK) have been held in Switzerland for six years now and continue to inspire audiences to the same extent. More than 15,000 visitors took advantage of the 136 offers for encounters that were offered this year from March 24th to 26th in the canton of Neuchâtel and from March 31st to April 2nd in the cantons of Geneva and Vaud.

On Swiss soil, artistic work is indeed a hit with the public. This was again proven this year by the large attendance at the ETAK 2017. The program in the cantons of Geneva, Neuchâtel and Vaud included encounters with artisans, some of whom were accompanied by their apprentices or vocational school students. In addition, open visits (without prior registration) were offered at places steeped in tradition such as the Bâtiment des forces motrices in Geneva and the château de Nyon.

Almost 400 professional or prospective artisans were at work in 95 locations to present around a hundred arts and crafts disciplines. Twelve training centers opened their doors and dozens of apprentices shared their passion and know-how with the public. Cultural professions were also well represented thanks to the participation of eight museums, four theaters and the Geneva Library. In addition, 1,300 schoolchildren had the opportunity to meet the artisans in a very special way – be it in person as part of the event or using specific cultural mediation tools. We want to bet that this resulted in career aspirations and vocations?!

The Council of the Swiss Association of Arts and Crafts – its President Sami Kanaan, the government councilors Anne Emery-Torracinta (GE), Anne-Catherine Lyon (VD), Monika Maire-Hefti (NE) and the government councilors Pascal Broulis (VD) and Martial Courtet ( JU) - is pleased about the great response to these European Days of Arts and Crafts and sends a heartfelt thank you to the artisans, without whose generosity and commitment none of this would have been possible.

Les Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art (JEMA) manifestation organized in Switzerland depuis six ans, séduit toujours autant les visiteurs. Plus the 15,000 people ont en effet profité des 136 rencontres offers cette année du 24 au 26 mars dans le canton de Neuchâtel et du 31 mars au 2 avril dans les cantons de Genève et de Vaud.

Le bel ouvrage fait en effet recette en terre helvétique. Un public nombreux l’a démontré cette année encore en prenant massivement part aux JEMA 2017. Les programs genevois, neuchâtelois et vaudois proposaient des rencontres avec des artisans d’art parfois accompagnés de leurs apprentis, des élèves dans des écoles professionnelles et des visites san s inscription préalable dans des espaces d’accueil aussi emblématiques que le Bâtiment des forces motrices à Genève et le château de Nyon.

Près de 400 artisans d’art professionnels, or professionnels en devenir, étaient à l’ouvrage dans 95 lieux pour presenter une centaine de métiers d’art. Douze centers de formation ont ouvert leurs portes et des dizaines d’apprentis ont donné de leur temps pour partager avec le public leur passion et savoir-faire. Les professions du domaine culturel étaient bien represented avec la participation de huit musées, quatre theaters et de la Bibliothèque de Genève. A noter qu’au cours de la manifestation, ou grace à des dispositifs de mediation culturelle cibles, 1’300 élèves auront pu rencontrer des artisans d’art de manière privilégiée. Gageons que ces mesures auront suscité des vocations.

Le conseil de l’Association Suisse des Métiers d’Art - Monsieur Sami Kanaan, president ; Mesdames les Conseillères d’Etat Anne Emery-Torracinta (GE), Anne-Catherine Lyon (VD), Monika Maire-Hefti (NE) ; Messieurs les Conseillers Pascal Broulis (VD), Martial Courtet (JU) – se réjouissent de l’accueil réservé à ces journées et remercient chaleureusement les artisans, sans la générosité et la disponibilité desquels rien n’aurait été possible.

Le Giornate Europee dei Mestieri d’Arte (GEMA), manifestazione organizzata in Svizzera da sei anni, non mancano mai di sedurre i visitatori. Sono infatti oltre 15’000 le persone accorse ai 136 incontri offerti quest’anno dal 24 al 26 march nel canton di Neuchâtel e dal 31 march al 2 aprile nei cantoni di Ginevra e Vaud.

L’opera d’ingegno riscuote successo in terra elvetica, il numeroso pubblico l’ha dimostrato anche quest’anno prendendo parte massicciamente alle GEMA 2017. I programmi ginevrini, neocastellani e vodesi hanno proposto una serie di incontri con artigiani d’arte talvolta accompagnati dai loro apprendisti, gli allievi delle scuole professionali, e delle visite senza previa iscrizione in spazi d’accoglienza oltremodo emblematici come il Bâtiment des forces motrices di Ginevra e il castello di Nyon.

Quasi 400 artigiani d’arte professionisti, o professionisti in erba, si sono messi all’opera in 95 luoghi per presentare un centinaio di mestieri d’arte. Dodici centri di formazione hanno aperto le loro porte e decine di apprendisti hanno speso il loro tempo per condividere con il pubblico la loro passione e il loro savoir-faire. Le professioni dell’ambito culturale erano ben rappresentate dalla partecipazione di otto musei, quattro teatri e la biblioteca di Ginevra. Since notare che nel corso della manifestazione, o piuttosto grazie a pratiche mirate di mediazione culturale, 1’300 allievi hanno potuto incontrare gli artigiani d’arte in via esclusiva. Siamo pronti a scommettere che queste iniziative faranno nascere delle vocazioni.

The consiglio dell’Associazione Svizzera dei Mestieri d’Arte formato da Sami Kanaan, presidente, le Consigliere di Stato Anne Emery-Torracinta (GE), Anne-Catherine Lyon (VD) and Monika Maire-Hefti (NE), i Consiglieri Pascal Broulis (VD) and Martial Courtet (JU) si rallegrano dell’accoglienza riservata a queste giornate e ringraziano sentitamente gli artigiani, senza la cui generosità e disponibilità nulla sarebbe stato possibile.


27 April 2017

